Spotlighting Genius of Every Kind

Who Makes Top Talent Magazine?

Experts, Like You!

What Is Our Why?

To Celebrate Those Who Dream Big And Dare To Do...
And In Turn Inspire Others On The Path!

Isabel Donadio

Editor-In-Chief of Top Talent Magazine, International Speaker,
3x Best Selling Author
Isabel Donadio is the Founder of Talent Support Services, LLC, DBA Top Talent Agency, that includes,,,, is the best-selling author of Finishing is Happiness: 7 Ways Big Idea Entrepreneurs Can Become Big Business Finishers, Co-Author of Women Gone Wild: The Feminine Guide to Fearless Living and Becoming Significant: How to Invoke Sacred Words That Unlock Real Power, and the winner of the 2019 TWC Most Outstanding Rising Star Award.

She’s regularly featured in the media, including everything from the Los Angeles Tribune, USA Today, and Forbes, while also interviewed in media like K24, KTN News, KUTV, Citizen Television, and Nasdaq. Her experience includes red-carpet interviewing, magazine publishing, best-seller book publishing, and public speaking. Isabel specializes in content creation, authority marketing, and talent management. 

To see Isabel’s books, go to, and

I wanted to help create Top Talent Magazine because I recognize that everyone is trying to make a difference. Some outlets can be very difficult to work with and I saw the need for someone to make it easy for top talent -those who have made sacrifices to learn what they have- to share their voice, share their accomplishments, show their audience that they’re being celebrated and featured. And not just in their own hometown. Growing up, in a small city, I realized how after moving away for almost three years that the impact I have now, outside of my community, surrounding myself with new people, having new eyes meet me, has a greater impact than I could have expected. I wish 5 years ago I had known just how powerful a voice I have, so now it’s my honor to give other experts a voice in a fun, easy to read, and easy to share format in Top Talent Magazine online.


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