Ma Xiaoqiu


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Madam Xiaoqiu Ma will be the Chair of 24th Family Film Awards. She is founder and President of China DYF Group and serves as Chairman of the Board of the Hong Kong listed multi-billion-dollar asset management firm (HK 612). A self-made billionaire, her entrepreneurial spirit, and the unique management style she brings to DYF (Ding Yifeng) is detailed in her bestselling book Autumn Dialogue秋言物语. The Company’s name translates to ‘prosperity and affluence’, and Ding Yifeng is one hundred percent rooted in China’s intellectual history.

For over a decade, many financial firms have set up business in China. They operate with sophisticated tools and mathematic modeling based on a Western business paradigm. The tools primarily employed by China DYF Group are embodied in the ClassicBook of Virtues道德经 (571 BCE) andBook of Changes易经 (more than 5,000 years old). Its business model entails curtailing emotion and greed while developing a moral imperative based on patience and a long-term investment strategy.

In her book A CEO Diary, Madam Xiaoqiu states: ‘If you rush, you lose investors’ money. No one has the right to do so’. Her collection of eighty-one essays details the hurdles she overcame in the twenty years it took her to turn a one-million-dollar investment into a multi-billion-dollar financial holding company. The story of Ms. Ma Xiaoqiu is not only the story of one contemporary Chinese woman CEO, but also a narrative for Chinese women entrepreneurs who collectively enable growth and success in their employees and clients. A noted Hollywood producer is currently adaptingA CEO Diary for film.

Over the years, Ms Ma has invested in technology, health, travel and resorts, fashion, and beauty. Last year, together with the Board of Directors, she decided to invest in the film industry, and established the Beijing Lishi Film Group. Its aim is to co-produce and promote sophisticated, family-oriented movies for a universal audience.


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