Dr. Marlena Sherman Linton
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Promoting Purpose and Passion in every step of her journey, Dr. Marlena, a Sepsis infection survivor, knows what it takes to fight back from the dead, literally! Having spent eighty days on life support and being hospitalized for six months, she is a real “walking miracle.” Learning to walk, talk and write all over again, she set out to understand her purpose for surviving such a near-death medical complication when most do not. Feeling the need to do more, Dr. Marlena is now committed to helping those individuals who are searching for their identity and self-worth to live out their purpose and passion.
With over 30 years of HR experience, she most recently served as the Corporate Director of Human Resources at a high profiled aviation solutions company. Dr. Marlena is also internationally known as an accomplished mentor and advisor. She understands what is needed to touch hearts and changes minds for the better.