Is Your Team Living Up to Your Full Potential?

You have to be careful when hiring and outsourcing.  People will be quick to tell you how valuable their time is, but the number one reason businesses fail in the first few years is because they are underfunded.  These small business entrepreneurs take on too much debt too fast and things get ugly fast.

Again, we do the best we can with what we have to work with.  Sometimes that means you have enough money or resources to hire someone or outsource someone, but other times that just won’t be the case.

[blur]If you are willing to train and have the time to do so, you can take on less experienced people.  As long as they have a good work ethic and are teachable a lot can be accomplished.  Again, ask yourself, do you have more time or more money.  If you have more time than money this strategy may help.

Another way to find affordable people is to find those who are looking for experience.  Yes, you will still pay them something, but it might be less because they don’t have a lot of experience and giving them experience is payment in of itself.

You can also get good people for less money by allowing them to work from home.  Telecommuting is very valuable to some people.  They get to save time and money driving to and from an office.  They also get to work in the comfort of their own homes.

Sharing revenue on projects and providing performance-based bonuses is another way to incentivize team members.  VA or virtual assistants can also be a very affordable option while growing early on.

Again, there are whole books on the process of finding and recruiting talent.  I just want to get you thinking about some fast ways to find affordable help on the road to the finish line.

It’s not hard when you don’t overthink it and focus more on the tasks at hand.  And although it’s not hard it’s not easy either.  Still, you can do this!  Get creative, get talking to people and get going with your next big goal.

I’m going to leave you with a few things to beware of:  
  1. Beware of hiring family members.  The personal stuff can be tough and complicated.
  2. Beware of using nonpaid interns.  There are a lot of new rules and laws that can be difficult to deal with.
The bigger your goals the more important the team! 


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Isabel Donadio

Owner of Talent Support Services

Isabel Donadio-Fagan is the Founder of Talent Support Services, LLC, DBA Top Talent Agency that includes,,,, is the best selling author of Finishing is Happiness: 7 Ways Big Idea Entrepreneurs Can Become Big Business Finishers, Co-Author of Women Gone Wild: The Feminine Guide to Fearless Living and Becoming Significant: How to Invoke Sacred Words That Unlock Real Power, and the winner of the 2019 TWC Most Outstanding Rising Star Award.

She’s regularly featured in the media including everything from the Los Angeles Tribune, USA Today and Forbes. Her experience includes red-carpet interviewing, magazine publishing, best seller book publishing, and public speaking. Isabel specializes in content creation, authority marketing, and talent management.

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